این مقاله در کنفرانس بین المللی HCII 2011 شرکت داده شده است.

HCI International 2011

Communications in Computer and Information Science, 2011, Volume 173, Part II, 161-166, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-22098-2_33
Springer LNCS: http://www.springerlink.com/content/u243646361336115/



Personalized ATMs: Improve ATMs Usability

Armin Kamfiroozie, Marzieh Ahmadzadeh

IT Department, e-Learning faculty – Shiraz University

[email protected]

Shiraz University of Technology

[email protected]

Abstract. Using customization in products and services is one of the important methods for obtaining customers’ satisfaction. In this paper, the personalized ATMs have been introduced which as one of the objectives, using personalization and customization methods, improve the efficiency and simplicity of usage of the ATMs and enable the users to benefit from the machine commensurate with their needs. In this system, based on general information about users and the records of customers’ activities in CRM system, the information and screens are displayed which are predicted to be most applicable for the customers. This system is able to provide services based on users’ abilities in order to enable all the customers to acquire their needed services from the system in the shortest time duration and highest efficiency.

Keywords: ATM, Auto Teller Machine, Customization, Personalization, HCI

personalazied atms

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